Contribute To My Cause By CLICKING HERE!
As an ovarian cancer survivor, I will race in 50 triathlons in all 50 states by 50-years-old to raise $100,000 for ovarian cancer research. This campaign is self inspired, self orchestrated and 100% self funded. In addition, all in-kind donations are turned into cash donations by me in the same name of the person who donates. I race for women who have lost their battle, women undergoing treatment and women yet to be diagnosed.

Please help with even a $10 donation!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

State #20 Coming Up

My final race of the 2010 season represents state #20 on my mission to complete all 50 states. I am so happy the campaign has come to fruition and that I will be 40% done in less than 2 weeks. More exciting is how many people have come on board, donated and thanked me for my efforts. I am 100% convinced lives are being saved.
The race director in Mississippi caught wind of my campaign and has asked if I would like to wear #20 on race day. He also found a bike mechanic that is receiving my bike (via UPS) and putting it together for me. Thanks Ben and Sam! Now that's southern hospitality.
Someone asked me at the beginning of the season if I had a goal. Honestly, I wanted to come out of the season still enjoying the sport and uninjured. I am happy to report success in both areas.
If you are in the area of Hattiesburg, MS next weekend, please come out and say hi. I'd love to meet you.