Contribute To My Cause By CLICKING HERE!
As an ovarian cancer survivor, I will race in 50 triathlons in all 50 states by 50-years-old to raise $100,000 for ovarian cancer research. This campaign is self inspired, self orchestrated and 100% self funded. In addition, all in-kind donations are turned into cash donations by me in the same name of the person who donates. I race for women who have lost their battle, women undergoing treatment and women yet to be diagnosed.

Please help with even a $10 donation!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Good Times, Good Friends

I raced in Vermont today and since I am from Massachusetts, I took some time to visit friends along the way. A big thanks to everyone for feeding me, housing me and providing laughter and conversation. I started in Quechee on Friday night where Marty and Chris entertained me on the veranda, overlooking the mountains. The evening was cool and breathtaking. On to Kevin and Sharon's new house in White River Junction. Lots of pets, lots of love, lots of good conversation to "chew" for weeks to come. Thanks Spooch.
Next day to the National Forest and the little town of Ripton where I FINALLY met Yib and Yared, sons of Jes and Chris. They had a friend over for dinner and being around 3 teenage boys was quite entertaining. Last stop, Natick, Massachusetts and the home of Cath and Jelly, the cat with the unusually long whiskers. Quick stop at DQ tonight for a world famous blizzard and I am almost ready for bed. Home tomorrow.
Oh yeh.... the race. That is the point. It was terrific. No podium finish but I had a really good event. Wound up placing 4th but gave it my all, so nothing to be disappointed in. Averaged 19.1 on the bike and was around 8 minute miles on the run. Strong swim too but other heartier, Vermont gals were just faster than me today. Talked to many women about ovarian cancer. Many came up to me, as they recognized my tri suit was different with the OCRF logo and started asking questions. I had some very meaningful conversations. I hope it made a difference in someone's life. That REALLY is the point.
So all in all, a terrific couple of days. Another state done. Next stop Arizona.