But first, a recap.
- Tennessee - took 1st in age, nice way to start. Amazing hospitality from some new friends I've met along the way (in Bermuda last season).
- New Mexico - backwards event. Run, bike, swim. Memorable moment. A 10 year old comes up to me during the run and says, "So like...is this your first?"
- South Carolina - cousin John was my driver and all around assistant. Very nice indeed.
- Oklahoma - met friends Kari and John from Texas. Always more fun with friends.
- New Hampshire - took 1st again and nice to be so close to my old home, Boston. Thanks to Facebook, friends saw I was there and drove up that morning to surprise me. The power of social media!
- Missouri - HOT... had to walk part of the run. Firefighter John from Texas decides at last minute and joins me. Borrowed a slick sled from the RD. Specialized. Hmmm? Worth considering for my next bike.
- Colorado - the week before the movie theatre shooting. I was in that exact theatre the week before. Still kinda freaked out about that. Homemade bike from my buddy Willie. It wasn't pretty but she flew. Averaged over 19.5 mph.
- Minnesota - Friends Ralph and Carrie hosted me. A soaker. The only race of the season in the pouring rain. I guess that's not too bad.
- Idaho - C d'A, the most beautiful place on earth. Thanks Ann for joining me.
- Wisconsin - the smallest race and the locals with the biggest hearts.
- Arkansas - joined by crazy Texas friends again. So fun. In the zone...race of my lifetime. Took 1st in age again and capped off the season feeling strong.
Thanks to all for the support and love along the way. I couldn't do this without you. Stay tuned.