That's a quote from my father-in-law and I have always loved it. Basically it boils down to doing the right thing because once you don't, you can't take it back. Once you lose someone's trust, it is almost impossible to regain. Pretty deep for 6:30 am. But I just got a confirmation email from the race director in Colorado about refunding my entrance fee. You'll remember they changed the date of the race and didn't notify the participants. I found out by accident and immediately requested a refund. The problem was they have a "no refund" policy. Policy...shmolicy! They changed the date!
It would have been terribly dishonest for the race company to use these standards of practice. Integrity lost. As it is, I am leary about ever signing up with this race company again. But at least they are honoring my request and refunding my much needed race fee. I wonder how many other folks are in this situation and have no idea the race date has changed? How many folks will show up on the wrong day?
Heck of a way for a race company to make money.... Synical this morning. Sorry.