So my husband's cousin, Toby, happens to be the piano teacher for Kelly Ripa's daughter. It's a tremendous coincidence and has nothing to do with the video clip she did for me with QVC. We only realized the coincidence after Kelly shot the introduction for me and the video segment. It is such a small world!
Today Toby got us tickets to the show so Kelly could officially meet me and make the connection. It was a blast. I've never been involved with live tv and it was pretty cool to see how it all comes together.
During a commercial break, she came over to introduce herself. She had me stand up in front of the audience and asked me to describe my 50x50x100 campaign. I got a huge round of applause and then she hugged me and told me how awesome the effort is.
I have to admit, I am a bit embarrassed by the recognition but the point is awareness and spreading the message. That being said, what better mouth piece than Kelly Ripa?
I gave her a card with my blog address and we'll see if any more comes of it. In the meantime, lots of people in the audience got a chance to see that ovarian cancer does NOT have to be a death sentence. Thanks Kelly!