Now I know what that means... or at least applied to this yesterday's race. I raced locally yesterday with my club, Team Total Training and it was terrific. It felt like old home week. Here is a photo of me with one of my favorite teammates, Steve. Mother Nature provided us with a spectacular day to boot.
I wore my TTT uniform instead of my teal OCRF suit, as NY state didn't really need to "count" and I wanted to feel like I was a part of the club effort. Not sure how many of us were there but I know there were a lot. Everywhere I looked, there was a TTT uniform. And quite a few of us took home some hardware. I think we had 4 in the top 10 overall. I was 5th in age but more important, I bested my time by 2+ minutes. This is a race that I can actually compare, as I have done it 3 times before. I gave it my all, had nothing left in the tank, and had fun racing with friends. You can't ask for a better day.
TTT had a team party afterwards so we all got to see each other "with our clothes on". It's a bit of a triathlon joke because we usually only see each other in bathing suits or bike helmuts. At the very least, we are sweaty. So this was a nice occasion to look like our "real' self. Or is the sweaty triathlon look our real self? I wonder.
No time to rest. I got my confirmation for Nation's Tri today. Swim wave #19. It's a giant race. Excitement building...